LAIKA Brand Manager Mark Shapiro travels the globe visiting animation festivals, on the lookout for new content and representing the company’s great work to fans worldwide. Culled from visits to Montreal, Annecy, Hiroshima, Clermont-Ferrand, Sundance, and more, this handpicked program of macabre and shocking short films comes from the singularly twisted minds of animators unafraid to bring their visions to life. Not a program for the young or squeamish, the selections include: GRACKLE BUMPER, Danny Madden (US); THE TWIN GIRLS OF SUNSET STREET, Anna Solanas, Marc Riba (Spain); CHAINSAW MAID, Takena Nagao (Japan); PANDY, Mateus Vizar (Czech Republic); SUPERVENUS, Frédéric Doazan (France); DANNY BOY, Marek Skrobecki (Poland); CANIS, Marc Riba, Anna Solanas (Spain); CRAZY LITTLE THING, ONAHANA (JAPAN); TIMBER, Nils Hediger, VIVIENNE MEDRANO (US); DINNER FOR FEW, Athanassios Vakalis (Greece/US); TEETH, Tom Brown (US). Adult Audience. (90 min.)
Grisly, Ghastly, Ghoulish Animated Horror
Sunday October 30, 7:00pm
Whitsell Auditorium (under Portland Art Museum)
1219 SW Park Avenue, Portland, OR 97205
$9 General / $8 Students, Seniors
tickets: http://www.nwfilm.org/screenings/65/702/